Papers, 1926-1980. 1926-1935 and 1960-1980 (bulk).
Related Entities
There are 4 Entities related to this resource.
Litsios, George M. (person)
George M. Litsios, the American-born son of Greek immigrants, apprenticed as a fur worker at the age of 12 and remained in the industry until retirement in 1985. Greek Fur Workers Local 70 lost its autonomy to the Furriers Joint Council after a strike in 1938 bankrupted the union. Greek furriers comprised one of seven craft locals, the rest of them Yiddish-speaking, within the Council. Litsios was active with the Greek opposition slate, under various names including the Rank and File Committee f...
Greek Fur Workers. Local 70 (New York, N.Y.) (corporateBody)
International Fur Workers' Union of the United States and Canada (corporateBody)
Furriers Joint Council. (corporateBody)